The price for “ten“ books (including “ten“ “free“ “Reference Guides“) have been reduced as a featured sale of a $69.55 reduction in the total price. This book (“Property Theft: Chicago Political Corruption Style”) details how the then “Alderwoman Toni Reed Preckwinkle,“ (now Cook County Board President and 2019 Candidate for Mayor of Chicago) in Illinois (who first ran for Cook County Board President in 2009 – 2010), orchestrated this conspiracy with others. The property depicted in this book was appraised at 1.5 million, all equity, stolen from mostly senior citizens (a cooperative) where some of the owners (including a World War II veteran) had been living on the property and purchased it in 1950. In the 8.5 x 11 “free“ appendix section of the book (available separately), the author (Sandra Ann Chambers) disclosed to the public the “documented proof“ how the property (formerly addressed as 4021-29 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60653) by then Alderman “Toni Reed Preckwinkle“ of the 4th Ward (known as a political supporter and/or friend of former U.S. President Barack H. Obama (a Democrat and also associated with scandals himself) literally orchestrated the “property theft.” The corruption involves judges, court orders, not-for-profit corporations, police officers, a fraudulent corporation, property receivers, attorneys, municipal departments, and much more. This book is highly descriptive with an appendix section referencing in detail with supporting documents how the property was stolen and what transpired from 1949 to the year 2009. (The first edition of “Property Theft: Chicago Political Corruption Style“ is out-of-print.) This hardcover book is in 14- to 15-point (larger font) for easier reading.
The paperback “Appendix Section“ (entitled “Reference Guide“), is 8.5 x 11 and gives documented information regarding the property theft (and other information to support specific details and events). The “Reference Guide“ is available for “free“ with the purchase of the featured hardcover book entitled, “Property Theft: Chicago Political Corruption Style,” by Sandra Ann Chambers. The book details, how “Toni Reed Preckwinkle“ (in the city of Chicago, County of Cook, and state of Illinois, in conspiracy with others) orchestrated a government funded money laundering scheme, by the theft of property as a political public figure in representation of one or more of the following, but not necessarily limited thereto:
♦ President – Cook County Board ♦
♦ Democratic Party Committeeman – 4th Ward (1992 – 2018) ♦